From 1st April 2025, we are making some changes to the Starting Well Partnership, which includes the closure of this website. After this date:

Telephone Advisory Line (TAS)

If your child is under 5 years old and you need advice on issues such as feeding, behaviour, or toileting you can contact our Telephone Advisory Service (TAS).

The service can be accessed by parents, grandparents, or carers of children in Worcestershire up until the age of 5.

The Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) is managed by local Health Visiting Teams who can assist you with a variety of different worries and questions you have about your child.

Please note that you will speak to a member of the health visiting team, but the member of staff you speak with will not be medically trained, if your child is unwell or have any immediate concerns, please contact the most appropriate service such as; Pharmacist, GP,  NHS111  or 999

The service is available Monday - Friday between 9:00am-1:00pm by calling 01905 520 032.

Alternatively, if you want to get your baby weighed or book an appointment at one of our a Well Child Clinic, you can do using the links below: 


Provide TAS Feedback

Have you recently called our TAS line?

We would love to get feedback on your experience(s). 

TAS Feedback

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory