From 1st April 2025, we are making some changes to the Starting Well Partnership, which includes the closure of this website. After this date:

Courses and further learning for parents and carers

Family Learning

Family Learning offers courses for parents and carers to support their needs. Family Learning work in partnership with schools and professionals to deliver courses that: support parents and carers to improve their health and wellbeing so they are better able to consider their own future, empower them to increase their social networks and engage in activities such as working with schools and professionals and making friends, support them to be ready to find volunteer work to bridge the gap into employment and lead them towards employment or further courses such as Maths or English courses under the Family Learning English and Maths Programme, including English and Maths Qualifications Advice Appointments, English or Maths Functional Skills or GCSE Maths or English.

The courses are bespoke and are delivered to meet the needs of all parents and carers on the course, often offering a variety of objectives whilst giving them something fun and encouraging to do each session like art, cooking or jewellery making. Some of the courses Family Learning deliver can also include the parent and carers child if it enhances their learning to work together.

Course funding

Family Learning Community Learning courses are FREE for anyone of working age earning less than £17,500 per year, for those on benefits such as Universal Credit or anyone aged 19-23 with fewer than 5 GCSE’s at A* to C.

To find out more about the courses visit the Family Learning website [opens in new window] and search for Family Learning in the search bar.