From 1st April 2025, we are making some changes to the Starting Well Partnership, which includes the closure of this website. After this date:

Support with homelessness


The Basement Project is for young people 25 years of age and under who are potentially homeless, homeless or find themselves in a crisis. They can offer help, support and guidance on any issues, as well as mediation and conflict resolution for young people between parents, guardians, grandparents and peers. They also have a food bank to help anyone who is struggling financially. Visit the Basement Project website where you can access live chat and their social media accounts. 

The office is open 9.30am till 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Drop-in is open 12 - 4pm Monday - Friday.

Address: Hanover House, 1 Hanover St, Bromsgrove B61 7JH

Phone: 01527 832993

Wyre Forest

Wyre Forest Nightstop and Mediation is an organisation that operates in the Wyre Forest district. They provide homeless young people with emergency accommodation in the homes of trained and approved volunteer hosts. 

The service supports young people (11-25) and their families by offering Time2Talk mediation to resolve conflict and prevent family breakdown, and offers an education programme to secondary schools to raise awareness of youth homelessness. They also provide young people with the opportunity to gain accredited life skills to help them live independently

Other useful numbers:

Axis Youth HUB: 01562 743 336

Central Youth HUB providing support to young people such as, help with housing applications, financial and wellbeing advice to arranging short term accommodation with family hosts.

St Basils: 01562 746304

Provide supported shared housing and Foyer accommodation for young people aged 16-24.