From 1st April 2025, we are making some changes to the Starting Well Partnership, which includes the closure of this website. After this date:

Supporting children and families affected by parental imprisonment

Nationally, an estimated 312,000 children are affected by parental imprisonment.  In Worcestershire this figure is estimated at 2,500.

Families First provide support and guidance in a safe space, to enable the whole family to cope with the demands of having a partner or a parent, in prison. They work together with professional partners and community organisations to support families and young people.

Offering support from the point of arrest and custody through to court, remand, sentencing, prison and release, Families First works to reduce the emotional turmoil and anguish experienced by so many children and families across the county.

You can refer into the service as a family, and as a professional. For more information visit the YSS Families First website.

Additional support and resources

Support for children and young people

When your parent or a close relative goes to prison it can affect you emotionally and physically leaving you with mixed emotions and a need to speak to someone.

You will probably have lots of questions. But who do you trust with this information?

You can talk to your teacher or there may be someone at the school who is trained and experienced to listen to you and answer your questions.

There are also people outside of school you can talk to. Families First (YSS) is a service that works with children, young people and families in your situation. You can email their team and a worker will get back in touch with you.