From 1st April 2025, we are making some changes to the Starting Well Partnership, which includes the closure of this website. After this date:

SchoolScreener Logo

What is SchoolScreener?

The School Health Nursing team use SchoolScreener, which is a confidential and secure online platform to carry out height and weight measurements and health questionnaires for your child at points along their school journey.

This short video from SchoolScreener will also help to explain what SchoolScreener is and how the School Health Nursing team will use it to understand the health needs of your child.

School Screener poster for download and print

Why should I use SchoolScreener?

SchoolScreener is a quick and easy to use, and when health questionnaires are completed, you will be provided with instant access to information and ‘clickable links’ to local and national support if needed. The team may also get in touch to offer additional support.

Through the SchoolScreener portal your child will be offered the following:

  •     Hearing test in reception
  •     Health questionnaires in reception, year 6 and year 9 – your child will complete the questionnaire themselves in year 6 and year 9
  •     Growth measurements, as part of the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP) in reception and year 6

When your child has received their hearing test and growth measurements, you will receive an email letting you know the results are ready to view on the SchoolScreener Parent Portal.

If you do not wish for your child to receive a hearing test, or to be weighed and measured then you can ‘Opt Out’ via the Parent Portal at least 2 weeks before the screening is due to take place.

You can also watch more useful videos relating to SchoolScreener on SchoolScreener’s YouTube Channel (opens new window)


How do I use SchoolScreener?

As parents and carers, when your child starts school, you will be issued with a letter from our service containing a ‘unique link’ to register for an account to access the Parent Portal within SchoolScreener. Please note this link can only be accessed via Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers.

It is important to register, as without an account you will be unable to access the health questionnaires or view the results from your child’s hearing test and growth measurements.

To register on the portal, is quick and easy to do by following these simple steps:

  •      Open the unique link in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to visit the Parent Portal homepage

Screenshot of the SchoolScreener Parent Portal Homepage

  •      Select register now, which will open a new page and fill in the required information

Screenshot of SchoolScreener Register Page

  •      Open your email from SchoolScreener and follow the link to confirm registration

Screenshot of SchoolScreener Email Confirmation

  •      Next follow the on-screen instructions to create a password for your parent portal account

Screenshot of the SchoolScreener _ Password Screen

  •      Once you have set a password, head back to the Parent Portal homepage to login

Screenshot of SchoolScreener Login Screen

  •      Once you have logged into the portal, you can select which form(s) to complete

Screenshot of SchoolScreener Login Homescreen page

Within your account, you will also need to confirm and accept that you have read all the information relating to the screenings in order for electronic results letters to be issued and your child’s results to be viewed securely through the portal.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018, we have a legal duty to protect any information we collect. Please be assured that all personal confidential information will be kept secure and confidential at all times and will only be used by staff who have a lawful reason to do so. For details on how we use your information please visit our provider website: Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (opens a new window).

What does the reception hearing screening involve?

Public Health England recommends hearing screening as part of the Healthy Child Programme. Hearing Screening is offered to all children in Reception within Worcestershire schools.

Untreated hearing problems can cause difficulties with speech, learning and behaviour. Therefore, identifying and addressing hearing problems at an early age can positively improve a child’s health and wellbeing as well as impacting on their social and educational development.

Each child will be given clear instruction of the process which will involve wearing a pair of child-sized headphones that isolate most ambient sound. An audiometer is plugged into a laptop to manage the sound and an on-screen game. The child will then identify the sounds they hear.

Image of a young girl wearing headphones

Any child who does not pass the hearing screening will be offered a second test 10-12 weeks later and referred on to Worcestershire Acute NHS Hospital Trust Audiology team for further assessment if necessary.

What does the growth measurements involve?

As part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) to promote healthier lifestyles, the team will offer your child the opportunity to have their height and weight measured in school during reception and again in year 6. The measurements will be available for you to view in the Parent Portal with advice on how to access further information and support if needed.

Image of a little boy getting his height measured

The team also use the anonymised clinical data  to support management and service delivery. Your child’s school will also be offered the health demographics relating to their school, which can be used to support the development of their School Improvement plan.

If you would prefer for your child not to be weighed and measured then you can ‘Opt Out’ via the Parent Portal, but you need to do this at least 2 weeks before the screening is due to take place.

What does the health questionnaire involve?

Your child will be offered to complete a health questionnaire at different points throughout their school journey. The answers from the questionnaires will help the school health nursing team to determine if your child requires any additional help or support.

The first health questionnaire will be offered in Reception, which you will complete on your child’s behalf. Next times, your child will be asked to complete the questionnaire will be in year 6 and year 9. Again, the answers from these will help the team to ensure the right level of help and support is available.  


Image of school children using a computer